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Vertigo means ‘to return’ in Latin. It’s not a disease but it’s a symptom of a disease. It can appear as a slight dizziness or loss of balance but it might also be severe that the patient couldn’t get out of the bed. The patient would feel like blackout or inebriation because of dizziness and couldn’t stand still. An otorhinolaryngologist should examine the patient to find the underlying condition.


Inner ear balance system, balance caused by vision and musculuskeletal system balance play significant roles by providing body balance. Vertigo could occur when there is a problem on one of these systems. The common causes of vertigo are upper respiratory tract infection, secondary acute middle ear inflammation, sudden head movements, inner ear tension (Meniere Syndrome), blood circulation problems, blows to your head, ear surgeries, side effects of drugs, alcohol and neurological problems.

Diseases Which Cause Vertigo

– Cardiovascular diseases
– Central nervous system diseases
– Inflammation on the nerves which transmits the position of the head from inner ear to the brain and tumors on these nerves
– Abnormal connections between middle ear and inner ear
– Middle ear inflammation
– Toxic drugs
– Old age
– Migraine
– Neck hernia and arthritis
– Psychiatric causes

Vertigo caused by the Head Position: Sudden and short-term dizziness occurs because of specific head positions. It will be followed by abnormal eye movements. This problem is cured mostly by Epley Maneuver.

Inner Ear Tension: Inner ear tension emerges after the increase of the liquid in the semicircular canals. It’s also called as Menier Disease. The cause cannot be completely determined. Stress, pregnancy and menopause could affect the causes. This disease occurs usually between the ages 40 to 60. It has symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, tinnitus, feeling of pressure inside the ear and loss of hearing.


The treatment of vertigo should be applied on the causes. The underlying disease causing vertigo should be treated. If the cause couldn’t be found, there are options like quitting smoking, alcohol, caffeine and salt; avoiding from stress; paying attention to the head positions; medication or surgery.